On Thursday, we traveled to Southbank Centre again and met up with the wonderful Sunita, one of our lecturers (that's British for professor or teacher). We met in a beautiful boardroom with the most amazing view of the London Eye and Big Ben. But sightseeing was not our mission. We were there to make our first independent business pitch to our classmates, Sunita and Jessica (our head lecturer). This was our first solo venture and we were required to support our verbal pitch with a homemade poster with visuals explaining our concept. We have been learning tools and methods for thinking through and planning our business ideas. I have included some evidence of my work in photos below. All those post-it notes are part of working through how the idea relates to the market. They were my wall decoration for a few days. Also below, is my poster as I was figuring where to place all my bits and pieces. I feel good about my work and my pitch. All of my classmates should feel good about their work as well. Everyone did a great job and we had some really clever business concepts come out of the exercise.
On Friday we had another assignment to deliver. This one was another group project that spanned two different Masters' courses. On Fridays this term, the Producers have a shared class with the Advanced Theatre Practice students. In the early part of the term we divided into groups of six with each group made up of students from both courses. In these groups we worked on a project that was finally presented on Friday. Or concept was to produce a micro-festival focusing on the subject of invisible disabilities. In a thirty minute, Power Point supported presentation, the six of us had to pitch our festival concept and detail all aspects of the festival planning and program including marketing strategies and budgets. It was a major undertaking that ended in a grand finale on Friday. We did well with our presentation and had no technical difficulties with the Power Point. Yay! So, check that one off the list.
To conclude the week, I saw two West End shows this weekend. On Friday evening, a group of us from the course went to Showstopper!, the improvised musical. One of our lecturers is a producer on the show and we wanted to see his work. Back in my New York days, I took a couple of musical improv classes so, I know how hard it is. Making up songs on the fly based on audience suggestions is no easy feat, but this team was fantastic! I oscillated between laughing out loud and being stunned silent in awe of what they were inventing right there in front of me. Showstopper! was a wonderful way to end the workweek.
On Saturday I saw Billy Elliot the Musical. Some of you may remember the film that came out in 2000. It is the story of a boy from a mining town in England who discovers he is a naturally gifted ballet dancer. This meets with turbulence in his small town where the arts are non existent and boys are supposed to learn to box and prepare for a career in the coal mine. It was an enjoyable show but no doubt, the main attraction was the boy who played Billy. He was an incredible dancer! The audience leapt to their feet in applause in the middle of the show after one of his phenomenal numbers. It was worth going just for him! But the whole show was very well done.
Next week brings more projects. It's not over yet! But, it will be Christmas before we know it. December is here! For now, however, back to work!
Tune in next week to see what pitches and projects this producer is preparing. In the meantime, see what special Holiday shows are coming up in you area and go see a couple!
Take care!
Post-it Mania
Poster in Progress
Classroom View
Billy Elliot