Sunday, February 21, 2016

Professional Profiles: Resume Reboot and Social Media Shape Up

With only three weeks left in this term, these past few days have brought about a flurry of activity to make improvements to all things related to networking, job creating and professional profiles. I keep hearing about how important it is to be well connected on all forms of social media. Two platforms that continue to get air time in class and group discussions are Twitter and LinkedIn. I have to admit, I never really understood how to best use these resources to my benefit. My Twitter account as not been touched since 2009 and my LinkedIn profile has long been in need of an update.

However, I decided it was time for a social media makeover. I started with Twitter. I changed my handle to my name which looks more professional, updated my photo and profile details and expanded my network by following tons of theatre companies and arts and entertainment professionals. I try and make a point of checking my Twitter feed a couple of times a day to see what industry news is coming through.

LinkedIn also got an overhaul with an updated work and education history and several requests to connect to people and join interest groups. Apparently, LinkedIn is used extensively when companies are looking for personnel. I'll just need to keep monitoring that site as well. I'm sure there must be an app out there that helps people keep up with all these profiles and news feeds. I really must look into finding it.

My entire Saturday was dedicated to renovating my resume. I was overdue for a format update and an information purge. It really is amazing how long it takes to get it just right. But with all the industry people we meet almost daily now, we must have our arsenal of professional profiles and platforms at the ready. I realized this as I was called in for an interview, out of the blue, on Tuesday. Don't worry, it went very well and I'll have more on that company next week.

This week I plan to educate myself on how to get the most out of social media and see how I can turn my investment of time on those sites into a career move. I'll let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, follow me on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn. You can also look for your favorite theatres and artists on social media and give them a "like".  Until next week...

Take care!

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