Sunday, June 26, 2016

8Squared and Another Term Ends

This past week was our most successful 8Squared: A Night of New Writing event yet. The attendance was incredible with the first night being completely sold out and the second night coming close. We also had a very strong line up of scripts. The audience seemed to really enjoy the show. Next, the production team will have a post-production meeting and review what worked, what didn't and how we can improve and evolve for the Autumn term's event.

The last day of term was Friday and many of my classmates have already dispersed around the globe. It is at this crossroads where the MAs and the MFAs will split the path. Our course offers a one year MA in Creative Producing or a two year MFA in Creative Producing. Up until now we have been together. At this point we scatter to our independent thesis projects. The MAs will have a smaller document and project and will need to finish their theses up in the next few months, while those of us on the MFA will produce something larger over the next year. In the coming weeks I will map out my plans for the project. It is important that we pace ourselves over the calendar in order to complete the work to a high standard and on time.

This coming week I have one more assignment due and some meetings with fellow Central students who are looking for a producer to advise them on shows they are creating. I am looking forward to a respite and may even take in some shows. I'll let you know how things are going when I check in next Sunday. In the meantime, summer theatre and festivals are in full swing. Check out what's playing in your area!

Take care!

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