Sunday, December 18, 2016


This past week was filled mainly with a focus on the academic work in progress but I did meet my friend Remi for a trip to the cinema. Remi and I have been friends since 2008 when working on our MA at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD), now called the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS). We wanted to meet up before he heads to Poland for Christmas.

The film was the new movie starring Tom Hanks called Sully based on the event and the aftermath of a plane that was forced into a water landing on the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. I remember well when the story broke in 2009 because I had just moved from New York to Scotland and the U.S. Airways flight from LaGuardia Airpot in New York City to Charlotte, North Carolina was a flight I took often when visiting my parents. Remi and I were at our intensive at the Globe Theatre here in London in January 2009. An intensive that was part of our MA course. It was interesting to see the film and recount the amazing feat of the pilot Captian Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger who successful landed the plane and saved all the passengers. But also, to remember where Remi and I were at that time in our lives. Christmas was also a topic and we reminisced about my adventures with Remi when I went to Poland with him for Christmas in 2008. Inevitably, the conversation led to a "where are they now" analysis and reflection on our current paths. The talk was timely for this time of year with 2016 close to completion and we look ahead to the new year and new experiences.

This week is more reading and writing. With the Holidays brings a much welcome quiet to my surroundings, allowing me to make headway on this case study due next month.
That's all for now!

Take care!

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