Sunday, February 19, 2017

Class in Session

This week we had a class! Well, technically the first year MA/MFAs had a class and the second years were invited to crash. It was a session on starting a production company. I have taken workshops like this a couple of times before, but this time there was a slightly different angle. In the past, I have learned about all the laws and official procedures and requirements of setting a company but Friday's session spoke to why we would want to set up a company. This was a great way to really ponder what drives us as producers. What is it that attracts us and what are we passionate about? We also looked at what we need to learn before we are ready to start a company. Where are the gaps in our knowledge? What resources are available to help us fill those gaps? This way of thinking was fantastic. We often get so busy in the doing of things, we can forget the why. And we often skip the strategy that can ultimately make us a success. I enjoyed the session and it was wonderful to see some old classmates and spend some time with the new producer class.

The rest of the week was taken up by meetings and research. I'm discussing my next case study and looking into viable topics. I also had the course committee meeting. I am my class representative for the committee that discusses the pros and cons of the courses and the school as a whole.  It is always interesting to go to these meetings and hear what is going on with other courses and what students from all departments would like to see happen at Central.

This week I expect more meetings and more research! After all, I am in school.
I'll keep you posted!

Take care!

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